Hi, welcome back and here’s a low effort blog post for you because I haven’t managed a better one for too long.
I’ve had the hobby of developing my own video games for years now. I have started and abandoned a bunch of projects. But this time I’m the furthest I’ve ever been with a game.
So, I was looking for a background image for the game, to make the negative space in the game look more polished. The Internet nowadays sucks, you can’t find shit on Google, so I just browsed Reddit which is one of the few places left with reasonable human created content.
I found this image that I liked: https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelArt/comments/1bgspon/town_with_a_view/
And I posted a request to the PixelArt community asking whether someone can create a similar piece of art for me.
I got a ton of replies – looks like there are a lot of hungry artists out there looking for work. The prices for this kind of art ranged between $80 and $160.
Finally, the original author of the exact picture that I used as an example contacted me and asked if he can do it himself.
I was embarrassed – I could have just asked him first if he wanted to make a similar one for me, but instead went out looking for others.
So yeah, I did hire him in the end. And I am pleased with the result – it is pretty much what I envisioned for the game.
The final result for the art:

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